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For most knives.For most knives. Long knives need to be stiff. Minimum blade length 60 mm.Longueur mini de lame 60 mm. Also for carver's draw knives.
For sharpening very small knives such as penknives and carving knives.
For all sizes of scissors and shears. Also suitable for electric plane blades.
For straight shanked carving gouges and V-tools down to 45 mm (1¾”) length.Short wood chisels and tools for power carvers. Max tool width 38 mm (1½”).
Sharpen your fingernail shaped woodturning gouges to a razor like edge. You can also sharpen woodcarving tools with complex shapes such as curved or bent carving gouges and V-tools.
For turning skew chisels, parting and beading tools and roughing gouges.Straight carving gouges up to 50 mm (2”) wide.
Sharpen your straight chisels and planing knives to a perfect right angle.It is designed to provide the optimum conditions for successful sharpening and a high precision end result. It also provides a slightly convex shape.
For blades of any length.Blades longer than 270 mm (10½”) are relocated in the blade holder. Min width of blade 13 mm (½”).
For all makes and shapes of moulding knives with 24, 30 or 38 mm distance between guide hole centres. Max width of blade 100 mm (4”).
Sharpens drill bits to a 4-facet point. Can be set at any angle between 90°and 150°. The optimal clearance angle can be set for each drilling operation. Drill size 3 to 22 mm (7/64” to 7/8”).
For turning scrapers, hollowing tools and thin parting tools.Also for cabinet scrapers, screwdrivers and spoke shave blades.
The KS-123 Knife Angle Adjuster allows you to set the exact sharpening angle for any knife.
Discover how to sharpen your kitchen knives optimally with a sharpening machine.
Японские пилы Takagi, особенно серия Shark Saw, известны своей эффективностью и точностью.
Set the perfect sharpening...